[Mat 28:18-20 NKJV] 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, [even] to the end of the age." Amen.
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Five Balls Perspective

We do our ever-increasing best to help companies and organizations
be at their ever-increasing best.

Are you always "Now Hiring" and wish you weren't?
Do you wish you had more return customers?
Could your business use some fresh eyes?
Have you documented what your people know?
Could you benefit from some out-of-the-box thinking?

What value will you get out of working with us?

The answer to this question depends greatly on what you want to get out of your relationship with us and therefore put into it.

We aim to bring fresh perspectives, insights, and some hard looks at often overlooked areas with the intention of helping your company/organization grow and truly be the best that it can be, and to see that best increase daily. You are the one who will need to decide to invest in your company/organization and do the work needed to bring about the changes that will help you grow. We will be providing a mirror, tools, encouragement, and practical support.

Who are we?

We are a married couple seeking to honor God by living in obedience to His word and therefore maintaining balance in everything we do, and it is our desire to help you balance what you do as well.

More about us

Why the name Five Balls Perspective?

The name Five Balls Perspective, combines the five balls of life with our desire to provide a fresh perspective to our clients.

More detail

What do we do?

We do our ever-increasing best to help companies and organizations be at their ever-increasing best. We do this by working with the main decision maker(s) of a company or organization in any or all of 5 key areas.

How do we do what we do?

As we work in any or all of The Five Balls of What We Do we will apply 4 general steps:


Our assessment process will always include observation and conversation. We will seek to gather as much information as possible regarding the area we are currently working on. In some cases, we may also ask for a survey to be taken as a means of acquiring more information. All our surveys are anonymous so those taking them can give their honest opinion.

Analysis and Suggestions

We will take all the information we have gathered, and based on the foundation of God’s Word, common sense and reason, and the general principles that our business holds to be true, make specific suggestions that we believe will move your company/organization towards your ever-increasing best.


This step requires a long-term relationship, as we will be working with your company/organization on whatever suggestion(s) you decide to implement. We recognize that change is difficult and takes time. We also recognize that we don’t know everything and that what we initially suggest may need to be tweaked or thrown out completely as we move forward and learn more. We will be present to take responsibility for any mistakes we make and do all we can to correct them and help everyone move forward toward an ever-increasing best.


This step overlaps with Step Three and is basically a repeat of Step One. The goal here is simply to keep track of whatever progress is being made, ensuring it is leading to the intended outcome.

Why do we do what we do?

In a word, Love. The kind of love that shows itself in sacrifice, absolute truth, respect, and strong, appropriate boundary lines.

We stand upon the Word of God (The Holy Bible) and take it literally everywhere that it can be. God tells us that He first loved us and that means we can now choose to love Him, and then, out of our love for Him, love people. We learn what love is and how to walk it out by following the example and teachings of Jesus. One of the ways that we love people is to, to the best of our ability, seek what is best for them, and, as much as they allow us to, help them walk in what is best for them. In seeking to understand what is best in any given situation we seek God’s Word first, then apply common sense and reason, and look to our observations, experiences, and trial and error.

How do we charge for what we do?

  • Our Base Rate is $75 per hour (for each of us individually)
  • For now, we will need a net 14 payment schedule and will send out invoices weekly. (This time frame will gradually change as we grow.) 
  • We will charge for:
  • Time on site doing the initial assessment.  
  • Time preparing a report 
  • Time in meetings discussing a report or ongoing changes
  • Time working offsite that directly relates to assisting with ongoing changes
  • Bottom line: within reason, our fee is flexible. Our primary goal is to serve you and your business.
  • If this rate is outside your budget, talk to us and we will work with you to find the best rate. 
  • If you feel we are not charging you enough, please let us know! 

Where do we do what we do?

Currently we are able to work within an hour or so’s drive from Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania.

When do we do what we do?

We work Monday through Friday, purposely taking the weekends off. We will also take all the major national holidays off.

Our hours will vary as our kids will be doing all of their schoolwork at home, with the younger ones needing our direct assistance. They take priority over our business. We will do our best to respond to messages within 1 business day and be available for meetings most afternoons.

The A, B, C’s of Salvation-

As Christians, our primary assignment in life is to spread the Gospel and make disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20) So while it doesn’t directly relate to our business model we have chosen to include these simple steps to salvation here. (The Spirit Ball description explains more on the why of salvation.)

A- Admit you are a sinner in need of a savior. (Romans 3:10 and 3:23)

B- Believe that Jesus Christ is the One offering you salvation. (Romans 5:8 and 6:23)

C- Call upon the name of the Lord, Confessing that He is Lord. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9 and 10:13)

 If you have any questions about why we believe what we believe or how you can begin a relationship with Jesus or what comes next, please give us a call or send us an email. We will be very happy to answer any and every question you may have. If we don’t know the answer, then we will search it out.

How best can we serve you?

We look forward to hearing from you and growing to know you and your business/organization.

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(Yes, we take the weekends off.)
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Please email us at info@fiveballsperspective.consulting