Who are we?

Picture of Glenn and Cristin Dewar standing in front of a mottled green  coniferous background

We are a married couple seeking to honor God by living in obedience to His word and therefore maintaining balance in everything we do, and it is our desire to help you balance what you do as well.

We are parents of 14 wonderful children. Four of our children are now adults living out their own lives. We have homeschooled for the last 16 years and are this year transitioning to Cyberschool which we are hoping will be a beautiful blend of homeschool and public school options. We are excited to continue to have our children learn at home.

In our almost 24 years of marriage, we have faced many relational ups and downs and learned how to do life as a team. From 2015-2018 we ran our own business selling handmade paper crafts. It was during this time that we most directly learned about customer interactions. 

Glenn Dewar

Glenn has a wide range of experience in many different areas that, along with his naturally creative personality, enable him to think outside the box and easily come up with multiple solutions for whatever problem he is facing. Working in various fields has caused him to develop his ability to learn quickly and taught him a wide range of skills that he can apply to whatever he is doing. Having decades in the workforce he knows what it means to be an employee working within various workplace environments and with various levels of customer interactions.

Cristin Dewar

Cristin has training as a preschool teacher that has been and is being applied and expanded on as she is raising and homeschooling her own children, being an aunt, and working as a volunteer in various children’s programs. In these roles, she has had to lead, problem-solve, and deal with emotional breakdowns along with all of the other issues that arise when working with tiny humans. As an artist, she has learned to think creatively and see things from many different angles. While her experience in the workforce as an employee is limited, she has 22 or so years of experience as the wife of an employee. This later perspective helps her see the greater picture of how one’s employment affects one’s closest relationships. In all areas of life, she cares greatly about the well-being of others.

Why the name Five Balls Perspective?

The name Five Balls Perspective originated from the illustration of the five balls of life given by Brian G Dyson as part of his 1991 commencement speech at Georgia Tech. As we developed our business model we identified 4 other groups of five key focal points that also need to be juggled and therefore we affectionately refer to them as balls. Thus we get the Five Balls part of our name. The Perspective part of our name flows out of our desire to bring fresh and out-of-the-box perspectives in all that we do. We combined the two thoughts and thus the name Five Balls Perspective was born.

We recognize that the word ball has gained a negative connotation in today’s society and are seeking to pull back from that and use this definition: “a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game” (credit goes to the Oxford Languages in partnership with Google).

We know that more balls could easily be identified and that within each of the 25 balls we have pointed out there are many more balls being juggled. We are pointing out these 5 groups of 5 balls each as they are broad enough to encompass most, if not all, of the other balls that get juggled on a daily basis. 

To read the full speech follow this link. The Georgia Tech Whistle (Volume 17, Number 27) see page three Col. 2, Para. 10.

How best can we serve you?

We look forward to hearing from you and growing to know you and your business/organization.

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